With the cost of education rising significantly each year, paying for post-secondary schooling is often the most challenging thing a student and their family will face after receiving an acceptance letter. The annual VJH Medical Staff Association Scholarship has helped ease the financial burden of these costs for more than 20 years.
Through the collection of annual medical staff dues, the VJH Medical Staff Association provides scholarships to graduating School District #22 students who exhibit superior performance in the biological sciences and plan to pursue post-secondary education in medically related fields of study.
This year the VJH MSA increased the annual scholarship total from 3 to 5 awards of $1000 each.
The VJH Medical Staff Association is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 scholarships:
- Rachel Carey – WL Seaton Secondary
- Kadyn Farrer – Kalamalka Secondary
- Tori Maltman – Charles Bloom Secondary
- Priya Panag – Clarence Fulton Secondary
- Ellie Williamson – Vernon Secondary