2023 Fabulous Fall BBQ
Physicians and their families enjoyed a fun filled BBQ at Vernon’s Paddlewheel Park on Sunday, September 17, sponsored by the VJH Medical Staff Association, with the support of the Physician Society.
Participation was low but spirits were high at the annual MSA BBQ in September. Families played Bocce, putted for chocolate, scavenged for prizes and enjoyed delicious food prepared by the Vernon Lion’s Club. Thank you to volunteers Aly, Davis and Meghan for assisting with set up, take-down and overseeing activities.

The 9-hole mini golf course was once again incredibly popular with all attendees (even the tiny ones).

The Vernon Lions Club served up something for everyone: hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie dogs, chicken nuggets, fries, and an assortment of tasty salads.

Scavenger hunt winners were:
1st Place – Kira McClellan and Julia.
2nd Place – The children of the Dhaliwal and Stevenson/Martin families.
Congratulations to these amazing teams!

A big thank you to our lovely volunteers – we couldn’t have done it without them!